FROM: Tohei Mano, Japan

Beautiful mail with artiststamps from Tohei's fractal portrait by Ryosuke Cohen and a collaborative sheet to fill the blank spaces with

Many thanks, Tohei! 


FROM: Walter Pennacchi, Italy

L'incerta Arte Postale Pennacchiesca ha colpito ancora con una splendida scultura! and equally beautiful artistamps!! WoW

Many thanks, Walter!!


FROM: David Stone, USA

Always a pleasure to read new pages of the Citadel, David's ever flowing eclectic poetry project.

Many thanks, David!


FROM: Svenja Wahl, Germany

Awesome deck of humorous collage cards portraying insects for the Zine in a Box!

Thank you very much, Svenja!


FROM: Adam Roussopoulos, USA

The Artistamp Revue 38

Another excellent number of The Artistamp Revue 38, an artistamp project curated by Adam in one of its last editions before closing. Very happy to have been part of this beautiful collection of international artistamp creators.

Many thanks, Adam!!


FROM: Katerina Nikoltsou, Greece

a beautiful envelope that folds open on a delicious looking lemon cake to celebrate spring with cool collages from Katerina.

Many thanks, Katerina!


FROM: Ted Trager, USA

cool mail art pieces and stamps in a magazine paper envelope, nice to receive correspondence from new mailartists. 

Many thanks, Ted!


FROM: Ryosuke Cohen, Japan

so happy to receive the Brain Cell nr.1201, Ryosuke's brilliant ever ongoing project and the Orion Soup, the bulletin board for artists to discuss/depict 'the beginning and the end of the space' with their art.

Thank you very much, Ryosuke!



very beautiful set of analogue collages, always poetic and inspiring.

Many thanks, Walter!


FROM: Roberto Scala, Italy

cool works from Roberto together with a documentation sheet of the International Mail Art Exhibit held at  the Garage Scala Gallery in Milan, the past January. He also has a new project titled: Maurizio Cattelan, you can read the info at the bottom of the sheet, undelined with a yellow marker.

Many thanks, Roberto!


FROM: Cascadia Artpost, USA

always nice to start the spring with the colours and perfumes of flowers from Cascadia! and the artistamps that accompany these special mix of seeds elaborated and distributed to the eternal network by Cascadia Artpost!!

Thank you very much, Jack!


FROM: Kevin Geronimo Brandtner, Austria

WoWnderful documentation for the mail art call "Art=Revolution" and "images of the Future" curated by Kevin Geronimo Brandtner, MAAV (Mail Art Archive Vienna). A great effort and work organisation that brought to complete this book of international participants and their contribution with a dedication to the memory of three beloved mail artists, Cristina Holm, buZ blurr and H.R.Fricker. I am very honored to be part of this brilliant project, my compliments to Kevin.

Thank you very much, Kevin!


FROM: Adam Roussopoulos, USA

very beautiful set of stamps, including one from 'the most beautiful suicide', the powerful photo taken by Robert C. Wiles in 1947 of a young woman after she jumped from the Empire State Building and crashed on top of a car below, her body remained composed and unbroken and her features untouched by the violent death, seeming at peace, resting in an elegant way on top of the twisted metal, she looked beautiful. how weird. Adam is also documenting the thread of conversation he had in social media as his stamp work drew some controversy. 

Many thanks, Adam!

fascinating and grotesque as well as very sad and troubling

about this case featured in many magazines and newspapers at that time:

in italian:

in spanish:


FROM: David Stone, USA

another set of wonderful eclectic poetry from the continuously flowing Citadel.

Many thanks, David!